About us

Tour Khmer 2016 aim is to be a news medium, both electronic and print that will provide news coverage in an unbiased manner.

The country has been dominated by two newspapers for the past decade or so and therefore we feel that it is time for a third force. We had a steady start as a weekly and increased to twice a week in October and in January 2015, will be published three times a week in an organized step towards being a Daily.

We will strive to ensure that the presentation of our news and information will serve to quench the quality of news sought by readers and this remains the core principle of our business and publishing development strategy.

Tour Khmer 2016 aims to communicate directly with its readers on a personal level. It will strive to deliver news and information that readers want and need. It seeks to achieve this by continuously listening to its readers and adapting its contents to what the readers say they want.

The presentation of our news and information, to elevate the quality of life of its readers, is the driving motive of our content development strategy.

We shall fairly reflect the aspirations, interests and character of the Cambodian people. We shall always articulate centrist persuasions. Ours shall be a world of different voices. We shall not support or oppose any political party as a matter of course. We may hold sympathy for, but shall not be attached to, any particular creed. We shall support the policies and actions of interest groups that we adjudge to be good, and oppose those we consider to be bad; the difference being measured by whether they serve the public good.

We believe that the public good is served best by allowing individuals the freedom to look after their interests, subject to the limits of law. We believe that the essential function of government is to maintain order and security of lives and property, and that the cardinal business of government is to create the conditions for efficient and profitable expansion of marketable goods and services, and continually reduce the size of the non- marketable public sector.

In reality, Tour Khmer 2016 shall have only one axe to grind: to be the voice of reason, to champion the cause of a truly independent Cambodia.

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